Dominate 2023-24 with FB Ads Mastery!

Reaching lots of people without spending too much money is simple with Facebook ads. By being creative and spending wisely, you can run a powerful
Picture of Glenn Burgess

Glenn Burgess


Reaching lots of people without spending too much money is simple with Facebook ads. By being creative and spending wisely, you can run a powerful ad campaign that gets you good results. But what’s the key to making your campaign truly successful?

It’s not just hard work; it’s knowing and using the best ways to do Facebook ads. These are like a guide that helps you be more creative and gives your ads the extra push they need.

General FB ads best practices

When it comes to your Facebook ads, there are two main ways to think about your strategy: general tips that work for all ads, and tips that are specific to the kind of ad you’re using.

First, let’s look at some general principles that can really help your Facebook ad campaigns stand out.

1.Pinpoint the appropriate objective

The goal you pick for your ad is super important when it comes to how well your Facebook ad reaches the right people. It decides what kind of ad you can make and where it will show up. So, if you match the right ad with the right goal, it increases your chances of doing well. You can choose from different goals, like getting more people to know about your brand or getting them to install your app. This lets you make your Facebook ad targeting even better.

2.Opt for the ideal aspect ratio

Another important thing to consider is the shape of your image or video, which is called the aspect ratio. It’s all about how wide or tall your content is. Facebook suggests different aspect ratios for different places where your ad might show up and the platforms it’s on.

3.Develop a robust CTA

Your call-to-action (CTA) tells Facebook users what to do next. It might be about buying things, checking out your website, or joining your newsletter. It’s a good idea to try different Facebook ad words and designs to see what works best for your brand.

4.Ensure high-resolution ad content

The higher the resolution of your Facebook ads, the better they’ll appear on the screen. Images and videos have specific pixel requirements already, but for the best quality, you might want to go beyond these minimums.

5.Incorporate movement, if possible

Studies show that ads with motion, like videos, grab the attention of Facebook users, especially when they’re scrolling through their News Feed. So, make your campaign more dynamic! Whether it’s video ads, carousels, collection ads, or Instant Experiences, anything that catches users’ eyes and gets them engaged can help improve your return on investment (ROI).

6.Depict people utilising your brand

Ads that show people using your product or service and help them imagine how it can be useful tend to get more attention and can lead to higher chances of people engaging or making a purchase. So, on Facebook, ads that depict someone using a product, like driving a car or using a computer, often work really well.

7.Think about text overlays

Adding your Facebook ad text onto your images and videos can grab people’s attention and lead to more conversions. But, you should think about the content, size, and font carefully. The goal is to keep it clear and short. For video ads, it’s a good idea to include captions as well, so it’s accessible to people with disabilities or those who might be watching without sound.

8.Play with colors, palettes, & filters

Using appealing colors and image styles can make your ads look more put-together and visually attractive. You can also adjust the color choices to match what your audience likes, the season, or the kind of business you have.

9.Captivate your audience early on

When it comes to visual ads, the most important thing is to keep your audience interested. Start strong by grabbing their attention early and showing your brand or product right away. This way, your business stays in their minds, and they stay engaged with your ad.

10.Exercise care with Facebook ad placement optimisation

You can put your Facebook ads in different spots like the Facebook News Feed, Facebook Stories, Messenger, and Instagram. Facebook recommends using all of these places to make your campaign work best. The more places you use, the more info Facebook can get for your ad plan. But using lots of placements might use up your budget or put your ad where fewer people engage with it. So, think about your goals carefully before you let the site decide where to put your ad.

11.Maintain relevance in your ads

Having ads that match what your audience wants is really important for a successful Facebook ad campaign, especially when you pay for each view or click. If your ads aren’t relevant, you might end up wasting your time, money, and chances of doing well.

12.Don’t narrow down too much

Facebook’s targeting options are great, but if you aim too narrowly, you might compete with other advertisers for the same small audience. It’s a good idea to expand your reach a bit to a broader audience. This way, Facebook can collect more data, and you might get more people to take the action you want.

13.Prioritise mobile

Since more and more people use mobile devices to check Facebook, like the News Feed, Messenger, and Instagram, it’s really important to make sure your ads look great on mobile screens. So, start by making your ads perfect for mobile viewing.

14.Preview your ads every time

You can use Facebook Ads Manager to see how your ads will look before you actually use them. This way, you can make sure they appear well on both desktop and mobile screens and catch any problems while you’re still working on them.

15.Test your advertising approach

Because Facebook and what people like change over time, it’s crucial to test your Facebook ad plan with every campaign. Remember, the best ways to do FB ads can change, so you need to stay up to date.

FB ads best practices: image ads

Image ads are a straightforward way to begin advertising on Facebook. They might be simple, but they’re still great for getting people interested and making them take action, like signing up or buying something.

For a successful image ad, these three things are crucial:

  1. High-quality image: Your image should be clear, attractive, and match your brand and message.

  2. Limited text: Don’t overload your image with words. Facebook suggests that text should take up no more than 20% of the image.

  3. Effective ad copy: The words you use in your ad should go well with your image and the action you want people to take. Keep your text short and straightforward, aiming to make people curious or emotional.

FB ads best practices: video ads

Video ads work incredibly well on Facebook because they provide a lively way to tell your story and connect with your audience. Here are some tips for making them effective:

  1. Short and attention-grabbing: Keep your videos brief, especially for mobile users. Try to make them 15 seconds or less, and get your main point across in the first few seconds to engage viewers who might not watch the whole video.

  2. Viewable without sound: Ensure your videos still make sense when they’re muted. Use captions or text on the screen to convey your message.

  3. Clear call-to-action: At the end of the video, include a clear instruction for viewers on what to do next. Whether it’s guiding them to your website or encouraging them to download an app, make the next step obvious.

FB ads best practices: carousel ads

Carousel ads are great for showing off several products or telling a multi-part story. You can have up to 10 images or videos in one ad. Here’s how to make them work well:

  1. Consistency: Keep a consistent theme or story throughout all the carousel cards. This makes your ad look unified and interesting.

  2. Sequential storytelling: Think about using a story format to lead users through the carousel. This can make people more engaged and keep their interest.

FB ads best practices: instant experience & collection ads

Instant Experiences (formerly known as Canvas) and Collection ads provide immersive and visually captivating mobile shopping experiences. To make the most of them:

  1. Fast-loading experience: Ensure that your Instant Experiences and Collection ads load swiftly. Slow-loading content can discourage users from engaging with your ad.

  2. Showcase your products: Use the unique features of these ad formats to present your products in an interactive and appealing way. This can generate more interest and conversions.

  3. Clear and easy navigation: Make sure users can easily move through the Instant Experience or Collection. A smooth user experience can lead to higher engagement rates.

Final Words

Facebook advertising holds significant promise, but it’s not a simple task. Success demands careful planning, a deep understanding of your goals, insights into your target audience, and the creative use of Facebook’s ad tools.

Following best practices can enhance your Facebook ads’ effectiveness:

  1. Align Your Ad Objective: Clearly define your goals and select the right ad objective.

  2. Ensure Relevance: The more relevant your ad is to your audience, the higher the engagement rate.

  3. Continuous Testing and Optimisation: Regularly experiment with different ad types, creatives, and copy to find what works best.

  4. Mobile-Friendly: Since most users access Facebook on mobile devices, ensure your ads are mobile-optimised.

  5. High-Quality Visuals: Use high-resolution images or videos to make your ads stand out.

Successful Facebook advertising doesn’t have to be overly expensive or time-consuming. By leveraging Facebook’s powerful ad platform and implementing these best practices, you’re well on your way to creating a top-notch campaign. Your journey in successful Facebook advertising is about to become exciting. Be daring, be innovative, and let your brand shine.

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