Boost Your Small Business with 18 Essential Facebook Marketing Tips

Many new online sellers use Facebook in different ways. They use it to get new customers, keep the ones they already have, and help customers.
Picture of Glenn Burgess

Glenn Burgess


Whether you’re just starting out in online business or looking to enhance your current strategies, Facebook can be a powerful tool.

From attracting new customers to keeping existing ones satisfied, and even providing customer support, it offers a variety of opportunities.

In this guide, we’ll explore some specific tips tailored for small business owners on how to make the most of Facebook marketing. Let’s dive in!

Why do you need a Facebook page for your business?

A business needs more than just good products or helpful services. Without good advertising, it’s hard to sell things, especially for small businesses that can’t afford big TV ads.

Unlike big companies, small businesses can’t spend a lot on ads. They need to find cheap but effective ways to let people know about their products, and one of the best ways is using Facebook.

Today, even big companies need to be on social media, and there are a few reasons why.

Talking to your followers and possible customers on social media makes the experience more personal. People get to know you as a real person, not just a big, cold business. This helps build closer relationships with customers and makes them trust you more.

Trying different kinds of posts and talking to your followers helps you understand your audience better. Knowing who might want to buy your products is really important for any business.

Having a Facebook business account can bring more people to your online store and turn followers into customers.

More and more people use social media to ask for help or complain about products. So, small businesses should see social media as another way to help customers and give support.

18 Facebook marketing tips for small business

Social networks are not just places to show ads. Even if you get people interested in your page, it doesn’t mean they’ll stay unless you provide something valuable to keep them engaged.

1. Provide valuable content

A big reason why people stop following is not giving them content that matters to them.

People follow accounts on Facebook because they want to see interesting and helpful stuff. If they don’t get what they’re looking for, they might decide to unfollow.

So, when you make a post, ask yourself: Does this post give something valuable to the people following me? For instance, if I follow a fitness account, I want to see exercise tips and maybe sports news. These kinds of posts should be the main focus of what you share.

2. Post regularly

Even if people find useful content on your Facebook page, they might leave if you don’t update regularly. People use social media a lot and expect to see new stuff every day or week, depending on the type of content.

But if new posts show up randomly only once or twice a month, users will lose interest quickly. Consistency is key to keeping them engaged.

3. Post at the right time

The timing of your posts is crucial because it affects whether people will actually see them in their feed.

For instance, most folks check their feed in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. If you post something right after they start their day, it might get lost among other posts by lunchtime.

However, the best and worst times to post depend on your audience, where they are, and when they’re active. So, you need to analyse these factors before deciding when to post.

Remember, posting too much can bother your followers. Depending on the content you make, it’s often good to share something 2-3 times a day.

4. Engage followers

To make Facebook work for your small business, it’s crucial to connect with your audience. Engaging means actively interacting and responding to what others do. This includes liking posts, leaving comments, and asking and answering questions. And remember, this interaction goes both ways!

Small business owners looking to showcase products on Facebook should also respond, ask questions, and engage by liking and commenting. People on social media want to feel heard and share their thoughts and experiences. If you give them that space, they’ll feel a connection to your brand and the social community you’re building.

5. Don’t go over the top with advertising

Certainly, advertising is essential when aiming to turn followers into customers, but bombarding them with constant ads can lead to disinterest and unfollows.

In the past, a common suggestion was to have 80% entertaining posts and only 20% directly promoting products. However, businesses have shown that this ratio may not always be ideal.

Experimentation is key to finding the right balance. Keep in mind that promotional posts generate leads but can also annoy followers. On the other hand, non-promotional content makes followers happy but might not drive sales. If your promotional posts are creative or humorous, you might be able to share more of them without turning followers away. Finding the right mix is about understanding your audience and what resonates with them.

6. Optimise your profile page

Ensuring that your Facebook business page tabs are well-organised is crucial because they act as the navigation bar for visitors. By optimising, restructuring, and adding or removing tabs strategically, you enhance the user experience.

To maximise the information available to your audience, follow these steps to optimise your profile page:

  • Choose a suitable URL:
    Select a custom page address for your business page, usually your business name or a phrase associated with your brand.
  • Link to your website:
    Ensure that your profile page includes a link to your website, and reciprocally, make sure your website links back to your Facebook profile page.
  • Enhance your cover photo:
    Make your logo the profile picture and create an engaging banner for the cover image. Avoid using your logo or main product in the cover image. Instead, keep it interesting by featuring a new ad, campaign, initiative, or product. Change your cover image periodically to keep it fresh and relevant.

By implementing these optimisations, you not only provide a smoother navigation experience for users but also maximise the visibility and appeal of your business on Facebook.

Facebook Marketing Tips For Small Business to convert followers into customers

Getting people to stay on your Facebook page doesn’t mean they’ll become customers right away. The main goal of using Facebook for a small business is to make money. Here are some simple tips on how to turn your followers into customers.

7. Create a Facebook group

Groups are like bonus points to boost engagement. They’re online spots where people can share info and ideas, especially if they’re into your brand.

Why would they want to join your group? Think about how you can give back and support your customers. Use the group to show what you’re good at and give extra stuff, like special deals just for the “members.” It’s a cool way to build trust and keep people loyal.

If folks really love your brand, they might even make their own Facebook Group about it.

The trick is to find a special interest your customers have and give them a place to connect. As the group gets bigger, you can share your stuff from time to time, like useful articles.

But having fans make their own Facebook Groups? That’s awesome – it means you’re doing things right. Lucky you!

8. Link posts to your website

Don’t think I’m stating the obvious! Many new business owners hope that Facebook users will discover the links in the profile’s About section by themselves. But the reality is, hardly anyone will bother.

So, it’s essential to put those links under your posts and even in the comments. People might like your Facebook posts and be curious about the products you’re talking about. However, if there’s no link to your store, they won’t be able to find it.

9. Offer exclusive coupons

Here’s something to consider. You have hundreds or even thousands of people following your Facebook account, and you want them to buy things from your store. How about giving them a reward for being part of your community?

Try giving out exclusive coupons just for your followers. This makes your subscribers feel special. Plus, when people get a discount, they’re likely to at least check out your website and look at what you have to offer.

There’s another good reason to offer coupons instead of just announcing a discount on some products. When you offer a discount, you’re basically saying, “Buy this at a lower price.” But a coupon is like a free gift. Your followers get it for free, and it would be a shame not to use it.

10. Repost content from your blog

If your dropshipping store has a blog, it’s a smart move to share some articles on your Facebook page. It’s another way to connect with your audience. However, simply reposting won’t turn followers into customers easily.

Instead, share a specific part of an article that grabs attention and then invite subscribers to read the entire piece on your blog. While this may not guarantee immediate sales, it can lead a portion of your social media followers to visit your website. Who knows, they might explore it, check out the catalog, and discover something interesting.

11. Encourage user-generated content

Even if you create the most entertaining and exciting promotional posts, they’ll still feel like ads and may not outshine even the simplest posts made by your followers.

Buyers trust other buyers more than brands or experts. That’s why it’s crucial to encourage user-generated content whenever you can.

Use hashtags to find content your followers post. Ask for permission to share it, and always show your gratitude with a discount, coupon, or a moment of recognition. For instance, many Facebook users would be happy to talk about their experience with your product in a sort of interview. You can also run contests or simply repost customer reviews.

12. Announce discounts

Providing discounts consistently yields positive outcomes, so you shouldn’t overlook this approach to attract customers. Social networks, in particular, are an excellent platform to announce discounts and sales promotions, especially when these offers are for a limited time.

13. Narrow down your audience

The goal of Facebook marketing for small businesses is to focus on specific audiences and experiment to see which ones achieve the best results for a particular goal.

By narrowing down your audience, you can test and find out which group is most effective, similar to running TV ads in different cities. For example, a coffee seller might narrow down their Facebook audience to people who like their instant coffee. From there, they can study the demographics.

Tips for providing great customer support

Facebook, like other social networks, can function as a customer support center. Nowadays, many buyers find it acceptable to leave reviews and ask questions on a brand’s Facebook page. Therefore, it’s important to know how to handle such users. Here are some tips for your business:

14. Always respond

Ignoring complaints is the worst thing brands can do. It doesn’t just impact the person with the complaint, but also other followers. The entire community sees angry comments with no response, and that can create a negative impression.

15. Respond fast

A prompt response is a sign of excellent customer service. While it might be challenging for a small dropshipping business with limited personnel to react to every complaint within five minutes, it’s crucial to respond within 24 hours. Many dropshippers make it a routine to check and address complaints first thing in the morning.

16. Be polite and patient

Indeed, it’s pretty straightforward. We’ve all been on the complaining end with businesses, expecting the person on the other side of the line to be polite and courteous, regardless of who’s right or wrong. The same principle applies to your own business.

Keep your cool, maintain professionalism, and always begin with an apology for any inconveniences, even if you’re aware that the client might be mistaken.

17. Solve the problem

Following a public apology, reach out to the customer privately to assist them. If you manage to resolve the issue, consider offering a discount, coupon, or some additional free item to show appreciation. In case the resolution isn’t successful, don’t hesitate to provide a refund, offer another sincere apology, and present something even more valuable; otherwise, you risk losing the customer permanently.

However, refrain from offering discounts publicly, as this may encourage some followers to mimic complaints in an attempt to receive similar benefits.

18. Ask complainants to remove angry posts

When the issue is resolved, many customers calm down, and some may even regret getting upset. In such cases, reaching out to them privately and asking to remove angry posts or comments could be effective. Alternatively, you could suggest they write another comment stating that the problem has been resolved and everything is now satisfactory.

Another approach is to respond to the original post again, indicating that the problem has been solved. This public acknowledgment can assure other followers that your business is proactive in addressing concerns.


Simply having a Facebook account with thousands of followers isn’t beneficial unless you know how to turn them into actual customers. Moreover, without offering high-quality content, you risk losing your entire audience quickly. However, with an effective Facebook marketing strategy, you can transform your account into a reliable source of regular buyers.

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