Why Your Facebook Ads Don’t Work: 12 Reasons

You want to tell people about your business on Facebook, but your ads aren't reaching them. This article explains 12 reasons why this might be
Picture of Glenn Burgess

Glenn Burgess


Everyone makes mistakes when they try new things. Even famous people like Albert Einstein said that. When babies start walking or kids learn to write, they make mistakes. Adults also make mistakes when learning something new.

Starting an online business is no different. Mistakes can happen at any time, but that’s okay. The important thing is to pay attention and learn from them.

Many people who sell things online use Facebook to show their products. It’s a good place for that. But some new people say their ads on Facebook don’t work.

It’s not Facebook’s fault; it’s probably something you’re doing wrong. Let’s find out why your Facebook ads may not be working.

1. You are targeting a too broad Facebook audience

The first issue might be about who sees your Facebook ad. Even if your ad is good, it won’t work if it’s shown to the wrong people. You might think everyone could be interested, but that’s not true.

Once, I saw an ad for industrial chimneys in my feed. I’m a 25-year-old woman, and I was puzzled. Why would they show me this? Turns out, it was a mistake. Someone decided to target everyone from age 1 to 100.

That’s a big Facebook ad mistake. Ads need to be relevant. No point showing plush toys to middle-aged men, right?

To avoid this, follow these tips:

  • Use Facebook Audience Insights to learn about your target audience.
  • Think about what your customers like.
  • Don’t target countries your suppliers can’t deliver to.
  • Use the same language as your website.

This way, you’ll reach people who are actually interested in your products.

2. You are targeting a too narrow audience

Another reason your Facebook ad might not work is if you’re aiming at too few people. Targeting a very small audience on Facebook is just as bad as targeting too many.

For instance, imagine if you try to reach “American men who like Toyota and live in New York.” That’s too specific, and you might miss out on a lot of potential customers. Instead, target a broader group like “Americans who like Japanese cars” for better results.

Remember, the smaller your audience, the more you’ll pay for clicks. Advertising to New Yorkers who like Toyotas costs more than reaching Americans interested in the Japanese auto industry.

Also, don’t exclude countries just for personal reasons. They could be full of potential customers.

3. You’re making low-quality ads

Imagine you’re targeting different groups on Facebook, but your campaign isn’t doing well. My guess is that your ads aren’t catching people’s attention. They might be dull or not informative enough, affecting the delivery. So, how do you fix this?

Remember, Facebook ads are all about visuals. People look at the pictures first and then read the message. So, make sure your images are:

  • Relevant to your offer
  • Bright and eye-catching
  • The right size and ratio
  • Free of political, sexual, or shocking elements
  • Show your product in action to impress viewers

Also, avoid using too much text in the ad. Keep your message short and clear, or there’s a good chance it won’t get through to people.

Here’s another tip from the Facebook Ad Expert team: Facebook ads are most effective when you use videos. Our experience with our own Online stores has shown that people pay more attention to these ads. Videos are dynamic and show you different things, making them eye-catching.

But to grab attention, you need to carefully craft the beginning of your video.

4. You don’t do split testing

No matter how experienced you are, it’s hard to know why some Facebook ads don’t work while others do well. Sometimes, the ad sets you didn’t expect much from end up being the best. It’s unpredictable.

That’s why marketers use split testing. Even if your ad is successful, you can try different things like headlines, images, text, or calls-to-action to see what works better. This strategy is called split testing.

Usually, marketers change only one part of the ad to see how people react. For instance, you might test two identical ads, but one has a different image text. However, when you test ads with multiple changes, it’s hard to know which element makes the difference.

For example, if you usually show product pictures with people, try using photos of the same product without people. This way, you can see which presentation works better.

Here are more ideas for Facebook split testing:

  • Types of ads
  • Where your ad appears on Facebook
  • Types of pictures (stock images or professional photos)
  • Colors of your ad images (light or dark)
  • Ad length (short or long)
  • Ad headlines (with or without numbers)
  • Word order in sentences

These tests usually take a few days or weeks, so be patient. Don’t pause or change your ads until at least 1000 people have seen them!

5. You test only one type of Facebook ad format

If your Facebook ads aren’t working even after split testing, it might be because you’re only using one ad format.

Relying on just one ad format isn’t a good idea. The format you choose might not match your goals. For example, using photos when a short video can tell your story better is not the best decision.

Also, you can’t be certain that other ad formats won’t give you better results. It’s a good idea to test all types of Facebook ad formats and go with the ones your audience responds to the most.

6. You use the ideas that proved inefficient

Imagine you’ve used messenger ads a thousand times, and they haven’t worked. Yet, you still keep using them or try different formats but target audiences not interested in your offer. Why do some entrepreneurs do this?

To be honest, I don’t know. But many people make this mistake a lot, and it results in Facebook ads not delivering.

Here’s the thing: if you’ve tested an ad and know for sure it doesn’t work, it’s crucial to let it go without any regrets.

7. You’re setting up a too low or too high daily budget

If your Facebook ads aren’t working, it could be due to an inadequate advertising budget.

Having a budget that’s too low (less than $10 per ad set) means you can’t reach your entire audience, and not all potential customers will see your ad. On the other hand, if your daily budget is too high (over $100 per ad set), you might end up wasting money.

Remember, your ad is competing with others, so it’s essential to set a reasonable daily budget that lets you reach your target audience. You can increase the budget if a specific ad performs well, but keep a close eye on it and lower the budget if the performance drops.

8. You keep showing your introductory Facebook ads to past purchasers

Ever bought something online and then keep seeing ads for the same thing? It’s annoying, right? Showing the same Facebook ad to people who already bought from you is a waste of time and money. Those ads aren’t relevant anymore.

To avoid this, exclude past buyers from your ads for newcomers. Instead, create a separate campaign for those who have already purchased. Otherwise, you’ll end up losing money.

9. You don’t prepare your website for advertising

One common reason why Facebook ads may not work is when beginner entrepreneurs focus too much on promotion and forget about their website. It’s like inviting people to a party but not preparing for it – guests get disappointed and leave.

Similarly, in digital marketing, having a great ad isn’t enough to make people buy from you. If your website lacks product pictures or reviews, visitors will likely leave. Before starting Facebook promotion, ensure your product pages have quality pictures and customer reviews.

Check if the ad price matches the store price to avoid customer dissatisfaction. Pay extra attention to the product page you’re advertising. Additionally, consider using pop-up ads on your website to collect emails for future campaigns.

10. You launch Facebook ads at a random time

When do you launch your Facebook ads? Do you follow a researched schedule or just trust your instincts?

Timing is a common mistake in Facebook ads. Consider your audience’s time zone and lifestyle. For instance, if you’re targeting moms in the USA, show ads around 9 pm after the kids have gone to bed.

To plan ads correctly, study your audience carefully: know who they are, where they live, and understand their lifestyle.

11. You violate the 20% text rule

Not too long ago, Facebook penalised ads with more than 20% text, though they don’t do that anymore. However, the rule had a point. Images with less text (including video thumbnails) usually perform better.

Too much text can scare people, leading to lower engagement and conversion rates for your ads. This might be why your Facebook ads have a low reach.

12. Your ads have been disapproved

Before your ad runs on Facebook, it needs approval. The approval depends on various factors, including your ad copy content. Certain topics, like gambling, need special permission from Facebook.

There’s a list of restricted and prohibited content you should avoid, such as drugs, violence, politics, racism, and sensitive topics. However, predicting how Facebook or the audience perceives your message can be tricky.

What seems okay to you might be offensive to others. Violating these policies can lead to a permanent ban on your ad account. It’s safer to steer clear of such topics altogether.

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