Specialists in Fintech SEO Excellence

Get more visitors to your fintech website and make them stay longer by using smart ideas that focus on what your customers want, not just
Picture of Glenn Burgess

Glenn Burgess


Facebook Ad Expert is a special company that helps fintech businesses get noticed on the internet. We focus on using words and ideas that customers care about to make your website show up at the top when people search on Google.

Here’s how we do it:

  1. We check how well your website is doing right now (and if needed, we do a special check for how well it’s doing on Google).
  2. We learn all about your unique product and business.
  3. We figure out important topics for your business – not just specific words – that will help your customers with their biggest problems.
  4. We talk to experts, both inside and outside your company, to get smart and special ideas for your website.

Fintech companies can do really well by getting more customers through the internet. We use a strategy that costs less than paid advertising, especially in an industry where ads can be expensive. People in finance often need to learn before they buy, and using good content on your website is a great way to build trust.

Even though it’s a good idea, many fintech companies still don’t know how to use the right words and ideas on their websites.

At Facebook Ad Expert, we’ve seen over and over again that using the right words and smart content ideas is the best way to get more people to visit your website and, in turn, make more money.

We work like an internet marketing company for financial services, creating high-quality web pages that use many important words that your customers search for. Our goal is to make your website show up higher on Google and get more people interested in your business.

The end result? Fintech SEO and content marketing that makes your business more visible online and brings in the right kind of internet visitors to help your business grow.

We have a group of fintech writers who create content that really speaks to your intended audience. We use researched topics, numbers, charts, and pictures to make the information clear.

The final outcome is a collection of content that can show up high in search results for important ideas your customers care about. This is likely to turn your audience into actual customers.

These how-to investment articles, along with similar ones in the same category, bring in a lot of new signups for our company every month. We achieve this by sticking to a few important rules:

  1. Our content always connects to reliable research, includes unique graphs, and is crafted by our in-house experts.
  2. We use AI-powered tools to organise the structure of the content based on what search engines like, making it more likely to show up in search results.
  3. Our SEO strategy involves using many keywords to find different opportunities to bring in more visitors to your site.
  4. With the help of social media platforms, our clients benefit from the wide reach of this strategic approach.

Whether your fintech brand is business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C), people spend five times longer on your website when using Facebook Ad Expert’s SEO method. This results in an average blog conversion rate of 3.14%.

Why is Fintech SEO so important?

In the busy world of financial technology, growing online traffic is super important for long-term success.

But, in fintech, we need to be more specific with our SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) tactics than what a general SEO program might do. This is because the fintech industry is really competitive and regulated, and your audience may not know much and might be doubtful.

Companies that don’t focus on creating content for their fintech SEO strategy risk losing their place in the market.

Google, the big search engine, has five main rules in its system. It likes websites that have really specialised content meeting specific on-page SEO rules and getting good backlinks. Also, your website needs to provide well-researched and valuable information for users.

Why do search engines want this? Because their rules are set to give users the best quality information and experience. So, our SEO content strategy needs to do the same.

1. People in fintech really want information

Fintech advancements have made it necessary for various types of buyers to learn a lot. This means that fintech customers usually go online with a clear goal to research before deciding to buy—whether it’s a top executive looking for a new payroll system or a busy single parent in need of a new bank card.

Studies from analytics firm LSA Insights confirm that this holds true for most customers in various financial sectors, with up to nine out of 10 people researching before making decisions, especially in areas like loans and mortgages.

Our task is to provide them with the information they seek, packaged in a manner that persuades them that your brand is the best choice.

2. Fintech SEO reduces the expense of acquiring customers, known as Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

One of the major challenges hindering growth in the fintech industry is the high Cost Per Acquisition (CPA), which makes expanding the customer base difficult. In fact, it can play a crucial role in determining success or failure.

While sponsored search results can be beneficial, the most successful startups are those that can establish sustainable and cost-effective methods for generating leads beyond pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

Effective fintech search engine optimisation reduces CPA costs by increasing organic traffic and enhancing the quality of leads. Creating valuable content and securing high-quality backlinks maximise visibility. Additionally, customers are more likely to convert because they found your website through optimised keywords.

When executed successfully, this approach has the potential to significantly improve your company’s return on investment in fintech digital marketing.

3. Fintech SEO simplifies complex industry language

From P2P to KYC, the fintech industry is filled with terms and buzzwords that might confuse the customers you’re trying to attract.

The problem is, when customers feel confused, they are more likely to get frustrated and less likely to make a purchase.

The key to effective fintech marketing and SEO is taking these complicated concepts and presenting them in a way that’s easy for your buyers to understand through clear and concise writing. A well-designed website and page layout also contribute to a positive user experience.

Excellent fintech SEO services excel at this by putting themselves in the shoes of customers. This is why understanding buyer psychology is so crucial.

Creating detailed buyer personas through thorough market research, using language that resonates with the audience, and employing analytics to measure the success of marketing campaigns are all essential ways to connect with and understand the target audience better.

4. Fintech SEO builds Topic Authority and client trust

Fintech startups often face a common challenge in the industry: a lack of trust among customers.

A 2022 Mastercard survey revealed that less than a third of consumers ‘strongly trust’ fintech brands, ranking them lower than banks, credit card companies, and established tech startups.

In addition to the complex industry language mentioned earlier, customers may also feel uneasy about the relatively new presence of fintech. Concerns about regulatory oversights and data breaches that have affected the industry can contribute to this lack of trust.

Fintech SEO plays a role in addressing this issue by building trust through providing a strong and reassuring voice for brands. This is achieved through well-written, factual content such as academic white papers and long-form articles. The goal is to establish a robust brand identity that customers believe in and return to consistently.

A special online marketing company: 4 ways we stand out in helping fintech websites get noticed.

Our fintech SEO company uses effective methods tailored to your brand’s specific needs and goals. We transform a small amount of interest into a consistent flow of new leads and conversions. Here’s how we do it.

1. Our personalised fintech SEO method: Creating content plans to establish expertise in specific topics.

There are 28,000 fintech companies worldwide, and each one is unique.

At Facebook Ad Expert, we believe in our three-point strategy, but we also recognise the importance of customising it for each client’s specific goals and needs.

That’s why we create a personalised fintech SEO masterplan for every project, bringing together the strengths of three content marketing approaches and adjusting them to match your brand’s objectives.

Buyer Funnels

While effective fintech SEO brings the right visitors to your brand, it’s crucial to guide them through a strategic journey designed to make them take action.

We like to refer to this journey as the buyer funnel because we prioritise the buyer’s mindset. This means our writers need to understand your target audience’s specific search intention at each stage: from curious visitors to those almost ready to buy with their cursor hovering over the ‘buy’ button.

A complete buyer funnel results in a large library of evergreen content connected by many internal links. This keeps your audience engaged for a longer time, creating what we call the “Wikipedia effect” and improving the chances of conversion.

The keywords and ideas most likely to convert your audience are placed at the bottom of this funnel, and all other pages in the funnel link down to those blog articles or landing pages (the bottom of the funnel can have both formats!). This strategy is also known as a content hub.

Multi-Keyword SEO

Our content strategies focus on ideas that matter to buyers and can naturally include multiple keywords per page. This boosts your chances of achieving higher Google rankings and speeding up the flow of valuable organic traffic.

The concept of multi-keyword SEO stems from understanding how Google’s natural-language-processing tool, BERT, operates. BERT aims to grasp what users are truly looking for and adjusts queries to match their intentions.

Understanding BERT is key to comprehending how Google interprets queries today, highlighting that broader concepts and ideas, rather than individual keywords, play a crucial role in creating SEO-friendly content.

This process has a compounding effect, and growth usually accelerates after about 6 months. These terms become the foundation for building Topic Authority, keeping you at the top of Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for the long term.

Journalistic-Quality Research

Websites gain Topic Authority with search engines by creating content that matches the uniqueness and depth seen in true thought leaders.

Building this authority involves conducting high-quality research and interviews, aiming to bring out distinctive ideas from both internal and external experts.

When these three factors align, we achieve what we call the ‘Facebook Ad Expert’—the sweet spot for top-ranking fintech SEO marketing campaigns.

What Sets Facebook Ad Expert Apart

2. Our multi-keyword research and market analysis: Using “Easy Win SEO” to rank faster

The fintech industry has many challenging keywords that can be off-putting or overwhelming.

For young websites, it’s important to have an SEO keyword strategy that goes after valuable, buyer-focused ideas without tackling extremely difficult individual keywords (like “bitcoin” or “banking app,” etc.).

Rather than focusing on generic terms, we prioritise creating content around specific buyer-focused topics that are most likely to convert your target audience with your unique product or service.

After a thorough analysis of your business and niche, we develop a content plan with multi-keyword topic ideas, including secondary keywords, that address your target customer’s main concerns.

We then identify the most powerful buyer-focused ideas linked to less challenging words—what we call the “Easy Win SEO.” These are the low-hanging fruits that can quickly bring in relevant organic traffic.

This approach, often overlooked by many marketers, is one of the best ways to achieve organic growth in highly competitive markets.

For example, when applied to Sarwa, a UAE-based investment platform, we decided to target numerous low-difficulty keywords during the launch. This included a very specific article on “how to buy US stocks in the UAE.”

The target keyword is a long-tail phrase with low difficulty and plenty of related secondary keywords to rank for, making it ideal for “Easy Win SEO.”

Today, that article still holds the #1 ranking in their target market, bringing in many new customers each month because it directly addresses what a buyer of their product is searching for.

A thorough analysis of keywords used by competitors is crucial for this strategy. By examining both direct and indirect competitors, we gain valuable insights into where significant traffic is concentrated.

For fintech startups, it involves studying not only your direct rivals but also related players that intersect within your industry.

This process helps us identify opportunities with a variety of keywords, including some we may not have initially considered.

This approach allows you to surpass your competitors, making your brand more visible and distinctive in front of your target audience.

3. Pain Point SEO: Understanding organic search psychology

Imagine sitting down with your ideal customer for a one-on-one chat, explaining how your service can solve their problems.

Pain point SEO is the digital marketing version of this: it taps into various aspects of buyer psychology to create a detailed buyer persona and a deep understanding of customer needs.

Facebook Ad Expert excels at using this information to create finely tuned SEO content marketing that guides the buyer through the previously mentioned buyer funnel. We achieve this by interviewing your sales team or helping them collect ideas from your customers.

The result is buyer-focused content enriched with multi-keyword strategies that smoothly and efficiently lead the target customer from a state of unawareness or concern to the point of making a purchase.

4. Our backlink building strategies for fintechs

As per SEMrush, a top digital marketing tool, backlinks are a crucial metric influencing your Google Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) ranking.

Surprisingly, 94% of online content gets no links from other websites. Only a small 2.2% of content manages to secure backlinks from multiple websites.

Consider how many of your competitors are overlooking this impactful aspect of SEO.

Facebook Ad Expert takes a focused approach to building backlinks by ensuring that we only create links to your website from relevant and authoritative domains.

To achieve this, we assess the domain authority, organic traffic, and spam scores of pertinent websites in your industry. We then connect with the top performers, requesting prominent links from their content back to your article or landing page. This is done with strategic anchor text that aligns with our topic.

Additionally, we create guest posts with strategically placed links on leading blogs and websites, such as Mashable and Marketwatch.

The outcome? A significant enhancement to your rankings as Google associates your brand with reliable and reputable content.

Facebook Ad Expert: The three-point approach to rank and build business

Implementing content strategies like “Easy Win,” pain point SEO, and strategic backlinking might sound promising in theory. As a fintech CEO or marketing head, you’re likely seeking tangible evidence of their effectiveness.

Facebook Ad Expert’s distinctive three-point combination of high-quality journalism, content marketing, and SEO—fine-tuned with the help of AI tools—has empowered us to lead our clients to the top of rankings through content that resonates with high buyer intent.

For instance, observe how Sarwa achieved the top spot in a comprehensive list of challenging, high buyer-intent, and high-volume keywords.

Absolutely, this case study stands as a powerful testimony to the impact of fintech SEO in driving relevant traffic for businesses in fiercely competitive industries.

With the right strategy, fintech companies can unlock the full potential of SEO, connecting with their target audience and achieving steady growth even in the most challenging markets.

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